Advitan Solution 250 ml


Advitan Solution is a 6-in-1 aquarium water conditioner. It immediately takes control of the municipal tap water preventing harm to living organisms in fresh-and saltwater aquariums.

Advitan Solution reconditions the standard tap water used, thereby providing safeguards and more ?

Advitan Solution reduces fish stress, because it:

Neutralizes the harmful effects of chlorine, chloramine, toxic metallic ions and fuoride
Protects fish mucous membranes
Enhances the well-being of livestock including plants in the aquarium

Applications include:

Initial aquarium set ups
During water changes
Transportation of livestock
Intoxication from biomass overload
Arrival from long duration of transportation
Advitan Solution contains vitamins, essential minerals and botanical extracts, for optimization of aquatic animal well-being.

A concentrated bottle of 120-ml bottle is suffcient for 240 US gallons (908 liters) of standard* tap water.
Due to its concentration, always keep the product away from children and household pets.
Always close the bottle immediately after dosing.
Refrigerate or store in a dark cool place.
Best before finishing nine months after opening.
Natural color variation may occur and does not afect the product efficacy.


?Municipal tap water destroys every aquarium?s environmental living conditions for fish, aquatic animals, plants, and their beneficial micro-organisms?

An easy holistic approach that restores fresh and salt-water aquariums to a safe and healthy living environment for your pets, plants and their micro-organisms

An easy holistic approach, that restores fresh and salt-water aquariums to a safe and healthy living environment for your pets, plants and their micro-organisms

Additional information

Weight 81 g
Dimensions 10.16 × 20.32 × 10.16 cm


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