Advitan Mg-EDTA 250 ml


Why use Advitan Mg-EDTA?

Like potassium, magnesium is one of the important macroelements essential for healthy and strong aquatic plant growth. Magnesium, just like iron, is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll. Minute magnesium quantity is necessary for fish and other aquatic animals for supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production Generally, municipal tap water does not contain sufficient magnesium and/or potassium to meet the demand for proper plant growth. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in aquatic plants include:

yellowish leaves (Chlorosis) between the veins.
in-curve leaves
droopy leaves edges

How to administer Advitan Mg-EDTA?

Advitan Mg-EDTA provides the followings:

1-ml per 3.785 liter / 1 gallon increases 2.5 mg/l magnesium

Always check the magnesium value prior to

administering. Values between 5 mg/l and 10 mg/l are


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What is Advitan Mg-EDTA?

Advitan Mg-EDTA is a conditioner for the increase of magnesium in freshwater aquariums.

Advitan Mg-EDTA contains chelated magnesium providing easy and high assimilation.

Additional information

Weight 81 g
Dimensions 10.16 × 20.32 × 10.16 cm


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